Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jones Magazine Meet and Tweet Event...

Me at the Jones Magazine Fall Issue Meet and Tweet
I had a fabulous time at the Jones Magazine blogger/twitter event. It was so great to mix and mingle with everyone. Especially exciting was getting to meet and chat with the beautiful Tamara of Natural Hair Rules !!!   Of course I loved her hair too! You can also follow her on twitter @naturalhairrule
Me and Tamara of Natural Hair Rules!!!
Always fun getting to kick it with Stylist and Blogger Tanesha of  The Student of Style. She's also a twitter bud. You can follow her @StudentOfStyle
Me and Tanesha of The Student of Style
I also hung out with pal and blogger/vlogger Monique from Mo City Princess Diaries check out her YouTube channel Mocityprincess247 and of course you know she's on twitter as @MoCityPrincess

Me and Monique Aka MoCityPrincess
Monique is also a long term natural transitioner, two years in December. Interview coming soon!

I was so encouraged and inspired by all the creativity buzzing around the room plus I got an awesome goodie bag( I love swag!!!) My hair turned out to my liking as well, so all's great in my world!



  1. I'm glad I found a Natural hair site for Houston Naturals.

  2. Thanks, Sonia! I am working for some great things for y'all.

  3. Please interview Monique! My transition (w/o the BC) will be two years in Feb.
